Different Methods of Getting Hair Extensions

In a world of beauty, we have to wait for the hair does not grow every month. Now it is possible that the hair we want. We can not duration, but the color and texture. What is a moment?
The hair extension is a whim of experts in the beauty of the fashion capitals of the world media. To carry names like Racquel Welch and Jessica Simpson, and marketing advice. Extension methods have improved and developed over the years. So we have many types and methods.
Micro hair extensions. These methods of hair extension micro ring using silicon micro-or micro-cylinder. Do not use glue, wax, no, no heat or chemicals. The part of the natural hair is combined with a chain length of the same color and texture and micro-ring with a special technique. Easy to install and painless. Short hair is instantly transformed into long stretches of sand with micro hair extensions. This method is also known as micro loop extensions or hair-micro known here.
Filmed hair extensions. This method is also used rings and loops. A haircut is a few inches of your car at the top. Hair extensions can be part of different subtypes. The sub-type is called a level road. This differs from the hair extension method that works with micro-channels.
Glue Bond / - core team. This method allows the use of adhesives or bonds, if the technology of ultrasound, cold fusion, Keratin fusion Bond, James Bond and the method of casting.
Clip-in. As the name suggests, the incision in the natural hair spread. This is the simplest and least expensive, as they are for a limited time. It may take a few minutes and take the evening before bedtime.
Select from the wave of Brazilian soft curls and wavy. Russian expansion is the kind of weird. There are teams softer, purer and more expensive. It is not chemically treated. It is expanding more and more Chinese and Asians and Europeans. These guys have nothing to do with the geographical origin, but classified by morphology, the shape of the cross section.
Contact a show of this type of extension that works best for you. There are many different types and methods, in addition to these four basic colors. Each gives you a choice of color, texture and length to change your choice.
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