Saturday, 14 April 2012

What Causes Female Hair Loss?

by S.Eswara rao

Although there are many culprits to blame for hair loss, there are some important factors to consider in determining the cause of the loss of his wife. Stress, pregnancy, medications, hormonal problems and diseases of the thyroid gland are among the most common causes of hair loss in women. Have you been under stress lately? If you are pregnant or taking medication? Your hair loss is minimal or exaggerated? To resolve the problem of hair loss, you must answer the following questions. Your doctor may be able to find a cause and an easy way for you to believe.


Your body has a way to tell if something is not right. This does not mean that the whole experience hair loss to determine if sick. Perhaps best of health. However, should hair loss and baldness and can be regarded as a serious warning. You must go to your doctor and the tests and procedures, or that he / she may recommend.
Did you know that hormone imbalances can cause hair loss? This is very corrected with medication or injection of estrogen. Hair loss is likely to be stopped since the problem is treated. Women who are lethargic or overactive thyroid, thyroid disease often in your body, "warn" is possible. The body will play at the root of this "warning". Since hair loss is detected as an early sign of many diseases, it is important to find the cause, doctors may find a solution.


Many women experience hair loss for about two or 3 three months after delivering their babies. This type of hair loss is directly related to hormones together. During pregnancy a woman may have high levels of certain hormones that the woman's body in order to preserve that (in normal circumstances), which usually falls. When the hormones of a pregnant woman with hormone levels before pregnancy prevents him back before the fall. Although it may seem strange, there is usually nothing to worry about, as the hair grows back quickly.


The most common cause of hair loss is stress in adolescents. However, stress is not the only cause. Infection, hygiene, excess dye on your hair, taking medications, lupus and diabetes are: hair loss in young women may also be a warning as follows. 

Improper Care of Hair:

Tight ponytail, pigtails, braids, braids and hair rollers a form of hair loss called alopecia. If scarring occurs on the delicate skin of your scalp, you can grow your hair again. Scars, provoke, and unfortunately in permanent hair loss. How are the results "scars you. Ask chemical treatment of hot oil for permanent, bleaching and coloring of metal can lead to inflammation of hair follicles that lead to the scalp. These infections, which appear first time as inflammation, often in scars. The end result can your hair loss.