Thursday, 15 December 2011

Vitamin D, The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

by S.Eswara rao

Vitamin D has been considered essential for bone health have been recognized, because the body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Recent research confirms that D is vital for a variety of diseases, including cancer prevention, diabetes, fatigue, breast cancer, fibromyalgia, and general weakness, as you get older. Research has recently shown that our skin age less productive in the sun, is the production of vitamin D, which in severe shortage, thus reducing the risk of fatigue, weakness, and cancer.

Vitamin D has been studied at the Harvard Medical School and published in the May issue of Archives of Internal Medicine. The researchers collected data from more than 10 500 women over 10 years have shown that those who have a steady supply of vitamin D and calcium have a 30 percent risk of breast cancer are less developed.

One of the most interesting properties of vitamin D is to reduce the growth potential of hyper-proliferation. Cancer cells have a receptor for vitamin D Vitamin D often respond slower growth and to reduce the risk of cancer spread.

While vitamin D can do for you?

    * Help prevent a growing list of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, breast, colon and ovarian cancer.
    * Make the bones and teeth strong and healthy
    * Control of growth and cell activity
    * Helps to reduce inflammation and chronic pain
    * Promote energy and power

How can we get more vitamin D?

* The salmon, sardines, shrimp, milk, cod, cheese and eggs (Sockeye holds more)
* Exposure to the sun gives us most of the vitamin D our bodies need. Blacks need about 10-15 times more sun exposure to the same effect as lighter skin color. Aim for 20 minutes three times per week in the morning sun, exposing the face and much of your body as possible (in the summer, sometimes more effective) - this is only during the winter months , no work!
* Supplement (which is important at any age) of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). The "D" is essential. I recommend the D3, which comes from fish oil, eggs, organ meats, animal fats, oil, cod liver oil and fish. This corresponds to the vitamin D formed in the skin against UV-B radiation. The dose for younger and older adults is 1,000 IU per day. This amount may be higher if your blood is too low.

Test levels of vitamin D?

The best marker of vitamin D is a blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25 (OH) D This test will have on people with advanced degrees, are carried out as mentioned above, or difficulty getting enough light solar (all of us in the winter) and those who suffer from chronic pain, fatigue or weakness.
Ask your doctor for a test of vitamin D. I think for my patients regularly during the winter, like other medical professionals in my office. The return to a "D-eat" foods and get your health back on track!


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