Saturday, 3 December 2011

Red Wine - What Miracles Can it Do For Your Health?

by S.Eswara rao

A nutritionist comes with a fad diet. However, point to certain foods and beverages, as they can do wonders in our regular diet.

All over the world discover the benefits of red wine in a new way - the modern world has unanimously decided: red wine good for our health if consumed in moderate amounts.

As the benefits of red wine?

Dr. Serge Renaud, a French scientist, whose findings were published in the journal Epidemiology, said he was "Wine protects not only against heart disease, but most forms of cancer."

Renaud from the study of 34,000 middle-aged men living in eastern France and the results of the study became known as the "French paradox": the French, despite enjoying the foods high in saturated fats, the heart is significantly healthier than people in other parts of the world.

This miracle was due to the miracle called "Mediterranean diet" of high consumption of red wine. The impact of this measure is to reduce cardiovascular disease in these countries.

What makes a red wine is good for your health?

A team of researchers at Barts and the London School physician and Queen Mary University of London, with the discovery of a mechanism for the drink, which is very beneficial to your health work attached to it.

After this group, which produces a chemical identified as a barrier, blockage of the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.

Red wine is rich in flavonoids, phenolic compounds and antioxidants. Most studies on the health benefits of this emphasis on consumption of phenolic compounds, especially resveratrol and flavonoids.

Resveratrol is a substance found in grape skins and seeds, increases HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and prevent blood clotting.

Flavonoids, on the other hand, is an antioxidant that helps prevent blood clots and plaque in the arteries.

How do you take a day to get the benefits?

According to Dr. Roger Corder of the William Harvey Research Institute, St. Barth: "If you drink a glass of red wine and a good absorption of the drug is more than enough." "Wine is a diluted form of alcohol, which is important for the body, and when I wanted in moderation, with meals, is easily absorbed," he said. He said the original Cabernet Sauvignon appears to have the greatest impact.


  1. Yes it is proven that it has many benefits for our body but too much of it were bad so you just need to drink moderately.

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